They’ve become one of the largest distributors in the United States.

If you are dreading allergy season, you may want to stock up on wholesale hibiscus, butterbur, and other herbs.

 Wholesale hibiscus, along with other herbs, may be an ample solution for allergy season. Another drawback about these medications is that the side effects can range from drowsiness to nausea. However, many herbs have been proven to relieve allergic reactions without any nasty side-effects. Here are 3 herbs that will make you want to go out and buy bulk wholesale herbs.  

1. Rosemary

Dried rosemary can relieve both allergies and asthma symptoms. This is thanks to rosmarinic acid’s anti-inflammatory properties. While rosemary is by no means an allergy cure-all, it is an excellent alternative to other allergy medicines.

wholesale hibiscus

They have over 200 different items and ship hundreds of containers around the globe.

2. Turmeric

Turmeric is another powerful herb that has many medical benefits, not just for allergies. Popular in many Southeast Asian dishes, you can use turmeric in both food and tea. The spicy taste from turmeric’s main compound, curcumin, can also help open up airways to improve breathing during days with heavy pollen.

3. Hibiscus

If you are sneezing in bed and want a great drink that will help you get through the day, try hibiscus tea! Hibiscus tea doesn’t just have a delicious taste. Packed with vitamins, mainly vitamin C, hibiscus tea is the perfect drink during allergy season to reduce the symptoms of hay fever. Hibiscus tea can also help lower blood pressure, which makes hibiscus tea an excellent, healthy drink choice all year round.

About Grupo Canela

Grupo Canela is an international importer and exporter of top-quality bulk wholesale herbs, including wholesale hibiscus. Selling only the best herbs and spices for over 50 years, Grupo Canela is committed to bringing our quality products to the domestic and international market. If you would like to know more about the products offered by us, be sure to follow our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.